Non-Profits Take Advantage of Online Pledge Fundraising Tool

Posted by on Oct 17, 2012 in Blog, Non-Profit or Charity Fundraising | 0 comments

Utilizing programs like RaiseAThon’s Online Fundraising tool, , enables non-profits, and like organizations, to take advantage of raising money online by reaching out through social media.  This is where the future lies, just like the Presidental Campaigns of Obama and Romney.

Camp Trillium, a non profit organization who sends children with cancer and their families to camp all year long in order to provide them with hope and a reprieve from their day-t0-day sufferings, has learned easily that online pledge fundraising has become an easy solution.  Participants can engage with family and friends all over the globe and this results in money pouring in.  People not only feed good about sponsoring or pledging their neice but knowing it goes to a notable cause.

Camp Trillium discovered RaiseAThon’s Online Pledge Fundraising Tool in the Summer of 2012 and since then the sky’s the limit.

Beginning with Annaleise Carr, the youngest swimmer to cross Lake Ontario, who made raising money for Camp Trillium her mission.  At 14, this girl had drive and determination that astounded the world.  Her amazing journey is documented on her blog

Visit the Annaleise’s Raiseathon Online Pledge Fundraising Tool that in the last week of the campaign raised almost $60,000  bringing her fundraising goal to just over $120,000.

Camp Trillium is regularly contacted by individuals or groups who wish to raise money for them and now they have the Raiseathon Online Pledge Fundraising Tool to help them achieve. – this young man travelled by paddleboard from Kingston to Ottawa and fundraised all online for  Camp Trillium – group of men trying to achieve a six pack by Christmas and all by fundraising all online for Camp Trillium – McMaster University Students who are participating in Shave 4 a Cure with all monies raised online for Camp Trillium

and finally they have endeavoured into “in Memoriam” for those as they pass on wish to have monies go to a charity

the possiblities are endless.  Look no further – Raiseathon’s Online Pledge Fundraising Tool is the most cost efficient program in Canada that offers you the tools to raise money online while you sleep.

visit our site and join others like Camp Trillium in supporting their cause!













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