Swim Canada (R) partners with RaiseAThon (R) to launch beta test for its Annual Swim-A-Thon
On January 1, 2013, Swim Ontario officially became the provincial beta test for Swim Canada’s National integration of its historic Swim-A-Thon program.
Between January and March 31st, sixty plus swim clubs from Ontario will launch their new online fundraising system. Parents, friends and acquaintances will be encouraged to sponsor and donate to thousands of swimmers aged 6 to 19 who will swim laps continuously for two hours.
Clubs are raising money to support everything from water camera technology, new pool equipment, pool time, additional training resources, additional coaches and other items that will help improve their athletes.
Consider donating today and visit anyone of the following sites to see the program working. Here are few samples of the swim club sites up and running. Consider leveraging an application like this for your club or organization that has multiple groups.
www.ontarioswimathon.ca/klac (Kirkland Lake)
www.ontarioswimathon.ca/tsc (Toronto)
www.ontarioswimathon.ca/gmac (Guelph)
www.ontarioswimathon.ca/tmsc (Timmins)
www.ontarioswimathon.ca/nkb (Nepean/Kanata)
Contact us for more details